The Path of Yoga

Yoga comes from the Sanskrit YUJ and means “TO JOIN” “TO HOLD TOGETHER”. Yoga is a three-thousand-year old philosophy whose goal is to increase awareness and raise the practitioner’s consciousness through the creation of a harmonious and natural union between body, mind and soul thanks to a system of physical exercises and the study of philosophical texts.

Thanks to the new Quantum Physics and Holistic Sciences discoveries, the West has only recently begun to open up to the idea of ​​a reality whose totality is the synthesis and not only the sum of the parts, a world in which everything is connected and in which infinite interrelations and interconnections between things, people, events and external environment exist and continue to be created.

In this new conception, the Person is no longer seen as either only body or only mind or only soul. The Reality, the real whole, is the Human Person.

This new vision is both a confirmation of the Yoga teachings and the fall of false beliefs such as the dichotomy between matter and spirit, which is in fact the real obstacle between the Western mentality and the Yoga philosophy.

There are still subtle influences that lead us to consider reality as fragmentary, to perceive body, mind and soul as separate. According to Yoga the mind without the body would not experience reality, the body without the mind would be lifeless: it is the interrelation between body-mind-soul that determines the personality of the Humans. In Yoga philosophy the concepts of “union” and “harmony” represent the foundations of a psychophysical self-realization system.

“In nature, action and reaction are continuous. Everything is connected to everything else. No one part, nothing, is isolated. Everything is linked, and interdependent. Everywhere, everything is connected to everything else. Each question receives the correct answer.”

– Svami Prajnanapada –


Yoga’s Benefits

Over the millennia thousands of books have been written on the relationship between Yoga and health, on the healing and therapeutic nature of Yoga and on the tools that Yoga makes available to guide the individual towards the “Yoga Condition”, the state of absence of the disease.

From a practical point of view, at first Yoga approaches the physical body (a tangible and familiar starting point), for then gradually harmonize body, mind and soul and bring awareness on their entanglement and therefore an understanding on how any disturbance on one affects the others. With time and constant practice, Yoga cleanses the channels of the subtle body (nadis) and the energy centers of the body (chakras), helping the person to rejoin the true end of his soul.

In recent years, Western allopathic medicine has also recognized, valued and promoted Yoga as therapeutic instrument in the treatment of disorders such as asthma, diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, digestive disorders and other chronic and constitutional diseases in which medical science has not had success. According to medical researchers, Yoga Therapy is successful by virtue of the balance it creates in the nervous and endocrine systems which directly affect all the other systems and organs.

Thanks to Yoga practice, the organic functions work in unison for the well-being of the whole body.

From a physiological point of view, Yoga exerts an action that gently relaxes the muscles, acts on joints, bones and internal organs; it stimulates cellular metabolism and the endocrine system, thus balancing and strengthening the immune system; corrects the posture, teaches to breathe, promotes blood circulation; physical and emotional benefits are combined with psychological and emotional effects: good breathing makes you calm, relaxed and receptive; a healthy and robust body is energetic and vital; correct posture express beauty and harmony, inspire respect and sympathy.

Most people think to Yoga as a means to keep healthy and increase well-being in a stressed society: asanas eliminate the physical discomfort created by long hours of sitting while breathing and relaxation techniques help to obtain maximum effectiveness in the limited free time.

With a constant Yoga practice one learn to calm the mind, to improve concentration, to value and balance natural aspects of life such as health, sleep, eat, to dominate violent emotions, to spirituality flourish, to learn to listen and to know and understand oneself, the meaning of love and work while connecting within and living as a human being, manifest harmony, compassion, find answers to the questions that make human experience a dimension without limits. Yoga is the way to establish a new way of life that embraces both inner and outer reality, an experience that cannot be understood intellectually and will become living knowledge only through practice and experience.


Anukalana Yoga, Integrated Yoga


Hormonal Yoga for women’s health
